Episode 17
While at Catch Social, Parrish attempts to link up with his next date Ingrid, a selection of Blue's.
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Stiletto University Q & A:  Dating Advice for the Guys
In the past few weeks I've covered a lot of subjects related to dating and relationships.  I thought that this week I'd speak directly to the guys with a bit of advice on how to improve your long-term relationship prospects.  The dating game has changed a lot, one thing remains the same:  Red flags are meant to be heeded.

If you take the time on your early dates to observe and listen, you'll begin to understand what makes the woman tick.  To be truthful, some of those ticks could be attached to a time bomb, so it's important for you to make note of certain red flags...the ones that really matter to your long-term success. 

Drama is Her Middle Name:   Relationships are tough enough, you don't want to tie yourself down with a woman who isn't happy unless she's in the midst of some kind of drama.   Drama Queens need to be the center of attention and will even stir up controversy when things get a little boring.  DQ's can often be intriguing at first because they seem spontaneous and full of life, but in the long run, the drama gets old fast.
My Girl Likes to Party All the Time:  When your girl is not only the life of the party, but is only happy hanging out with you when you're surrounded by lots of other folks, she might have some intimacy issues.  Quiet time is crucial to building a strong relationship, but it takes two people willing to let their guard down and be vulnerable with each other to build that intimacy.  Also, as hot as it might seem at first, be wary of a girl who only wants to have sex.  That too is a way to avoid true intimacy, which if you don't have with your clothes on, you'll never have, even if you're naked.
She Doesn't Like the Little People:  You can learn a lot about a woman by how she treats strangers.  Disrespecting and talking down to the "worker bees" (waiters, bank tellers, cashiers) tells you a lot about her lack of compassion, empathy and social consciousness-things you'll both need for a successful relationship. A woman who is above it all also tends to have a sense of entitlement and the expectation that she and her needs should always come first.  Red flags to watch for are negative behavior when she feels she's not being properly attended to.  If all she's dishing out is anger, resentment, and disrespect, it might be time to dump the diva and move on.
She Doesn't Get You:   You have your core values and life goals, and she has hers.  It won't matter how well you get along in and out of the bedroom, if you and your woman don't share any important things in common, your relationship is doomed.  When the red flag goes up over the really big and important things in life, even love may not be enough to conquer all.
Consider this...
Lori Bryant-Woolridge is a sensuality coach and advocate for healthy, sensual lifestyles. An Emmy award-winning writer, she has authored three best selling novels.
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