Episode 15
Fresh from his encounter with Sheryl, Parrish heads to date number 8 with Morgana, a hot in the panties cougar who has one goal and one goal only.
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Stiletto University Q & A:  Should You Remain Friends with Your Ex?

At the last Twitter party with 12-Steps to Recovery series creator, Tony Clomax and me, L from New Orleans asked:
Are exes as friends a good idea or not?
The short answer to that question is that keeping exes can be a wonderful addition to your cache of friends who love and care about you. If your relationship was positive and mostly good for the both of you, than this generally means that you are a better person for having had them in your life.  They know you well-the good and the bad-and can be a helpful resource in the years to come.
On the other hand, if your relationship was more painful than loving, lose the drama and move on without them. Mine the relationship for all the lessons you can learn to help make you a better partner, lover and person in the future; wish them love and joy; and go on with your life without looking back.
But relationships are never as simple or black and white, are they?  And even if your relationship was simply amazing but for whatever reasons, things didn't work out, there are a few other factors that need to be considered before deciding if a friendship with an ex-lover can work.  For example, who facilitated the break up, and why? Is one of you still in love with the other?  Is one or both of you in a new relationship?  If so, do the new partners understand the dynamics of your friendship?
Being friends with an ex can be a truly rewarding experience.  I'm currently friends with several of my ex-boyfriends and their presence has enriched my life immensely.  That said, nearly all of them required both of us to step back and allow each other a period of no contact in order to reflect, reorganize and reestablish a new set of boundaries and emotional rules before we could come back together as true and loving friends.  It also meant making our spouses feel comfortable with the idea and included in the fringes of our friendship.  This is important because in the priority of things, your current commitment always outranks your past one.

The bottom line is whether you and your ex can be friends will ultimately depend on mitigating factors that you may or may not have total control of.  The real truth of the matter is that not all relationships are meant to last a lifetime. 
Good luck!  If you have a dating or relationship question, ask on stilettou.com or @stilettou on Twitter. You can also contact me for a complimentary coaching session on any dating or relationship issue you have questions about.
Consider this...
Lori Bryant-Woolridge is a sensuality coach and advocate for healthy, sensual lifestyles. An Emmy award-winning writer, she has authored three best selling novels.
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