Episode 16
Parrish meets up with his agent Tony Croce for a possible pitch job with Catch Social, a social dating network run by the shady Levy Brothers.
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Stiletto University Q & A:  How Do I let someone know I'm interested?
I got a great question from B from New Jersey last week. She said: I get flirted with a lot and they seem
interested in my company and conversation. I would like to be able to respond, but I'm not able to

How do I flirt back, even if it's just for fun?  B, I already love your flirtitude, that being your attitude about flirting. It is fun! In fact, flirting is what puts the fizz in your social encounters and opens the door to countless opportunities to expand your world through some really amazing folks. And I promise you, with practice, you too can be good at flirting.  The main reason women (men too) don't like to flirt or feel they aren't good at it is usually the same.  Their excuses may be different, but it all boils down to the same thing: fear of rejection.

And how in the world can anyone disagree? You're putting yourself out there to be judged and hoping to get someone interested and to see the value in getting to know you better. With that mindset, you have every right to be too anxious to enjoy the idea of getting your flirt on.

Folks who like to flirt and are good at it aren't necessarily any better looking than you, and they don't have better wardrobes or bigger wallets than you. They just know the secret behind successful flirting:
Flirting is a benevolent act. It is a gift or your time, appreciation, and interest that you give to others with no need, agenda, or desire to impress or when them over. And when you aren't looking to get anything, there is no reason to fear being rejected!

So if you stop looking at being charming and flirtatious as a method of getting something or impressing someone, and instead look at it as a way of giving something and complimenting someone, you will lose your fear of rejection and gain a If men are flirting with you, you already have friendly sense of approachability. You also say that they seem to enjoy your company and conversation, so you, my dear, have already aced the skill of attracting attention. Now you have to gain the ability and confidence to keep it.

The bottom line is that if you want to be successfully charming, stop worrying about yourself and start being curious about the other folks in the room. Listen and ask questions.

Good luck! If you have a dating or relationship question, ask on stilettou.com or @stilettou on Twitter.
Consider this...
Lori Bryant-Woolridge is a sensuality coach and advocate for healthy, sensual lifestyles. An Emmy award-winning writer, she has authored three best selling novels.
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